Alameda County is safest with boxing.
​All programs have rolling registration - you can jump in at any time, even after a session is underway!
Enrollment is open and closes once classes reach capacity. Classes fill up fast! Click the links below to sign up.
The Deputy Sheriff's Activities League provides a free, open-to-all boxing classes for children and adults, giving community members ages 10+ a chance to increase their fitness levels, learn boxing basics, and work their way up to advanced training if desired.
Coaches, mentors and trainers focus on the fitness and discipline aspects of the sport, and encourage participants that the lessons in the gym and the ring carry over into daily life.
DSAL Boxing is located at the Hayward Adult School: 22100 Princeton St, Hayward, CA 94541
Youth Classes
Teenage / Young Adult Classes
Adult (18+) Classes

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Boxing, like all DSAL recreational health and fitness programs, is a vital component in our goal to develop a new model of public safety and reinvest in our least served communities.
By providing safe, inclusive boxing programs and a safe gym to train, Ashland and Cherryland youth, teens and adults have flocked to join as there is a dramatic lack of sporting opportunities in the neighborhood. For many, boxing serves a stabilizing force to graduate high school.
The strategic and careful investment into play, recreation and health works in concert with DSAL's alike community inputs to build a safer Alameda County according to the Community Capitals Public Safety Framework.