VISION: To create thriving communities, with authentic opportunities for all, through a revolutionary approach to public safety.
MISSION: To build an equitable, safe and thriving Alameda County by strategically investing in natural, human, social, economic, built, political, and cultural community capitals.

"There's a lot of talk. I want to be known for action - for doing something and making a difference."
Coach Manny, DSAL
"I grew up in this program, and it changed my life forever. This program saved me."
Coach Bahati, DSAL
"DSAL and the ACSO have given so many young people an opportunity to be seen and heard that it has literally changed lives. I think that's how we should go about doing it versus, you know, pounding enforcement down their throats. Give them some opportunities and resources, we can really make a difference."
Bobby Arte
Ashland and Cherryland are part of the 'Eden Area', a formerly working-class community that began to change in the 1970s-80s as jobs left the area, marking the start of decades of disinvestment that have left the neighborhoods without family-supporting jobs, recreational health and fitness spaces, vital infrastructure, music and arts venues, and educational opportunities, yielding extremely high rates of crime, unemployment, poverty, chronic disease, teen pregnancy, and mental health issues.
DSAL’s vision and mission addresses the challenges facing Ashland, Cherryland and other unincorporated neighborhoods through Community Capitals Public Safety, which focuses on social equity, community-led economic empowerment and the creation of a revolutionary model of public safety. Our work is guided by strategic investment in the seven following Community Capitals:

NATURAL CAPITAL: Preserving, rejuvenating, and increasing access to parks, urban farms, and other healthy, green, open areas for Alameda County’s residents to enjoy.

CULTURAL CAPITAL: Bringing systemically silenced voices to the forefront and creating opportunities for diverse residents to lead how creativity, innovation, and influence emerge to strengthen the community’s social fabric. Our investments create the space for public art, dance, music, recreation, education, and entrepreneurship.

HUMAN CAPITAL: Building the capacity of Alameda County residents to access nutrition, education, employment, healthcare, and vital life skills. We create opportunities for residents to proactively shape the future of their neighborhoods and communities.

SOCIAL CAPITAL: Creating and fostering the connections that bond the community and bridge the gap between individuals, organizations and government.

POLITICAL CAPITAL: Influencing standards, rules, regulations and their enforcement. Providing access to power and power brokers, including government officials and leverage with regional companies.

FINANCIAL CAPITAL: Providing financial resources and investing in community capacity building, underwriting small business development, creating jobs and job training initiatives, and supporting civic and social entrepreneurship for a fairer, more equitable community.

BUILT CAPITAL: Building the vital infrastructure that supports Alameda County residents by developing and advocating for parks, playgrounds, gyms, urban farms, a food hub, and other safe spaces for the community to play, congregate, and thrive.
Community Capitals Public Safety is taking a systems-level approach to repair the harm done to the community over decades of systemic racism and neglect. We build upon pre-existing community cultural wealth and focus our investments at the intersection of safety, public health, and creative placemaking.